Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tennis Elbow 2009 Full Version + Crack[40 MB Only][Multiplayer also]

Minimum System Requirements
* Windows Vista/XP/ME/2000/98 (95/NT not supported)
* CPU: 500 MHz Intel Pentium II or equivalent
* RAM: 256 MB
* DirectX 8.1 or later (already installed with Windows XP)
* Video: DirectX 6.0 compatible 32-MB 3D card
* 70 MB available hard disk space + 10 MB per saved game
* Input: Keyboard, Mouse or Joystick
* 200ms ping for online tennis games

Recommended System Requirements
* CPU: 1.2 Ghz or faster Intel Pentium III or AMD Athlon processor
* RAM: 512 MB or more
* Video: DirectX 8.1 compatible 64-MB 3D card
* 60ms ping for online tennis games

Tennis Elbow Game Features

* 8 different court surfaces : clay, grass, hard, blue-green hard, classic synthetic, NewLine synthetic, indoor hard and indoor synthetic; each with a specific rebound
* 300 tournaments, with 3000 players evolving over 35 years
* The World Team Cup
* Singles & doubles competitions
* 6 difficulty levels, each split in 10 sublevels
* Full ranking system (like the entry one from ATP)
* 3D male & female players fully customizable
* Singles, 3, and doubles games
* Split screen
* Network : LAN and online games
* 1 to 6 games per set, in best of 1, 3 or 5 sets
* 4 camera modes
* Supported languages : English, French, Deutsch (tennis spiele), Italian, Dutch, Spanish


Download this file
It has installation File and a Crack File

Install the game ....
Close the game
Copy the crack file to installation directory
Copy the files inside "data folder of crack" to "data folder in installation folder"

Run the game and it is full version with no limits
All Courts ... all players ... World championship and many more

Download Code: